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Hannah Shum 11/28/2018 RifTribe None Part A:
Hang Power Clean
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
*Increase weight each round

Part B:
3 Rounds for time
20 Push Ups
50 Air Squats

13m 57s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 11/04/2017 RifTribe None Saturday:

For time:
60 single-leg squats (alternating)
50 wall-ball shots (20/14)
40 box jumps (24/20)
30 deadlifts (@ 60% 1RM)
20 KB power cleans (24k/12k)
10 KB front squats (24k/12k)
29m 46s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 11/02/2017 RifTribe None B. For time:
Run 400 meters
Run 800 meters
Run 1,200 meters
Run 1,600 meters
*Record times for each run and record them into TrackMyPr

2.50 mi
Performed as RX
Hannah Shum 10/12/2017 RifTribe 10122017 For Time:
20-Power Cleans (95lb/65lb)
12-Barbell push-ups
16-Power Cleans (110lb/75lb)
12-Barbell push-ups
12-Power Cleans (135lb/95lb)
12-Barbell push-ups
8-Power Cleans (155lb/110lb)
12-Barbell push-ups
13m 54s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 10/10/2017 RifTribe 10102017 07182017
10! Of:
OverHead Lunges (95lb/65lbs)
Barbell Rows (95lbs/65lbs)

NG: 7:56rx
11m 47s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 09/26/2017 RifTribe 09262017 9-21-15
-KB swings
-Goblet squats
Cash out with 50 push-ups
*kb weight is 61lb/35lb
13m 01s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 09/23/2017 RifTribe 09232017 For time complete Ascend
15-Ring Rows
15-Reverse Lunges w/ 2 KBs (16k/8k)
20-Ring Rows
20-Reverse Lunges w/ 2 KBs (20k/12k)
35-Ring Rows
35-Reverse Lunges w/2 KBs (24k/16)
34m 04s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 09/21/2017 RifTribe 09212017 0:00-3:00 do
3-Deadlifts @145
3-Hang Cleans
3-Burpees over the Bar
Max Rep DUs
1 Min Rest
4-Deadlifts @145
4-Hang Cleans
4-Burpees over the Bar
Max Rep DUs
1 Min Rest (8:00-9:00)
6-Deadlifts @145
6-Hang Cleans
6-Burpees over the Bar
Max Rep DUs

*Record total Reps
555 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 09/13/2017 RifTribe Tabata 3 Tabata Rounds of:
Fat Bar Dead lifts @140lbs/95lbs
KB Swings
137 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 09/07/2017 RifTribe Easing In 8 rounds of the following:
30 sec SDHP w/KB (#53lb/35lb)
30 sec Burpees
1 min rest
123 reps
Performed as RX
Hannah Shum 08/04/2017 RifTribe 08042017 14 Min AMRAP
Max Rep Bench Press @%60 1RM
400 m run
*record total reps
63 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 08/03/2017 RifTribe 08032017 50-Dumbell 1 arm Snatches (17.5k/12.5k)
40-Dumbell 1 arm Snatches (17.5k/12.5k)
30-Dumbell 1 arm Snatches (17.5k/12.5k)
20-Dumbell 1 arm Snatches (17.5k/12.5k)
10-Dumbell 1 arm Snatches (17.5k/12.5k)
18m 45s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 06/13/2017 RifTribe Angie For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
23m 35s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 05/12/2017 RifTribe Pain and Suffering 150 Brupees for time. 21m 43s
Performed as RX
Hannah Shum 05/09/2017 RifTribe Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

8 rounds 2 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/20/2017 RifTribe 04292017 7 rounds
30 sec SDHP @75lb/53lb
30 sec rest
30 sec V-ups
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
30 sec rest
218 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/20/2017 RifTribe 04292017 7 rounds
30 sec SDHP @75lb/53lb
30 sec rest
30 sec V-ups
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
30 sec rest
218 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/20/2017 RifTribe 04292017 7 rounds
30 sec SDHP @75lb/53lb
30 sec rest
30 sec V-ups
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees
30 sec rest
218 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/15/2017 RifTribe 04152017 4 rounds (16 min) of the following:
45 sec sit-ups
15 sec rest
45 sec reverse lunges
15 sec rest
45 sec push-press (75lb/45lb)
15 sec rest
45 sec Wall ball #20/#14
15 sec rest
*Record total reps
195 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/13/2017 RifTribe 04132017 6-9-12-9-6
-Burpees over the Bar
-Body weight front squats
13m 47s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/06/2017 RifTribe 04062017 5x10-1 legged deadlifts
5x5-tempo strict pull-ups with 4 sec descend.

8 rounds of:
30 sec power snatches (65%1RM)
30-sec rest
36 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/06/2017 RifTribe 04062017 5x10-1 legged deadlifts
5x5-tempo strict pull-ups with 4 sec descend.

8 rounds of:
30 sec power snatches (65%1RM)
30-sec rest
36 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/04/2017 RifTribe 04042017 2 rounds of:

4 min AMRAP of
5-ring dips
12-wall balls

1 min rest

4 min AMRAP of:
5- hang cleans at 115lb
12-dead lifts at 115lb

1 min rest
113 reps
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 04/01/2017 RifTribe 04012017 6 Rounds of
400 m run
25m 56s
Workout Scaled
Hannah Shum 03/21/2017 RifTribe None 6 rounds of the following (20min):
3-Barbell Rows @ 135lb
6-Front Squats @ 135lb
18-KB Swings @ 20k/12k
*Add 1 rep each round and rowing weight and front squat are same.
13m 39s
Workout Scaled